The electronic cigarette or E Cigarette (E Vape), whatever you like to call it, makes use of technology. Crown E-Cigarette performs just like a traditional cigarette. It looks like, feels like and tastes like a real cigarette and also provides the sensation of smoking a traditional cigarette, but without the fire, flame, tobacco, tar, carbon monoxide, ash, stub or smell found in real cigarettes.
E Cigarette / Electronic Cigarette /E-Cigarette / E-Sigaret/cigarette electronique/Cigarrillo Electronico /Cigarros Eletronicos elektronische Zigarette / E-TIGARA/ e papieros / rokok elektronik /Elektronikus cigaretta / Elektromos Cigaretta / elektronisk cigaret /elektronisk sigarett/elektronisk cigarett / Elektroninen Savuke / e-savuke / elektrooniline sigaret / E-sigaret / elektroniska cigarete / Elektronines Cigaretes / elektronische sigaret / e-cigareta / Sigaretta elettronica / toitin leictreonach
E Cigarette / Electronic Cigarette /E-Cigarette / E-Sigaret/cigarette electronique/Cigarrillo Electronico /Cigarros Eletronicos elektronische Zigarette / E-TIGARA/ e papieros / rokok elektronik /Elektronikus cigaretta / Elektromos Cigaretta / elektronisk cigaret /elektronisk sigarett/elektronisk cigarett / Elektroninen Savuke / e-savuke / elektrooniline sigaret / E-sigaret / elektroniska cigarete / Elektronines Cigaretes / elektronische sigaret / e-cigareta / Sigaretta elettronica / toitin leictreonach
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Crown Electronic Cigarettes is driven by a micro-electronic technology. The actual cigarette body is made up of 3 parts: a nicotine cartridge, an atomization chamber and a smart chip with a lithium battery. In the front tip of the device there is an operating indicator light, that lights up when you use the Crown E Cigarette (puff on), just like a real cigarette gets red at the tip while smoking. One of the most attractive parts of the Crown E Cig is the atomization chamber device that when puffed on creates a vapor-like smoke, just like a real cigarette. This vapor is a result of the nicotine that is found in the cartridge, heating up by the atomizer device and creating vapor smoke, but without the smell of smoking real tobacco. This is what the smoker get the nicotine hit that smokers crave, and the smoke like illusion, but without having to smoke a real cigarette.
E-CIG (Electronic cigarette) products can be purchased here